Monday, October 29, 2018

Wisdom Nuggets 68

  • Ur energy speaks volumes: Whenever u r vth sone, notice how u feel. Notice if u feel guarded, sad, and uncomfortable. That’s a sign that may be u shd not spend much time vth them. If u feel light, comfortable, safe, and happy, it’s most likely a sign that this person is great for u.
  • Former billionaire chuck feeney has given away over 99% of his 6.3 billion  $ to help underprivileged kids go to college. He is now worth 2 million $
  • We take rejection so personally, but do not realize that’s redirection from the universe. We all live through different dimension realities mentally. Just because the ego wants what it wants does not mean “they losing out on you. Or u losing out on them” the right one vll synchronize vth ur dimension.
  • I pray u quit overthinking, replaying failed scenarios, feeding self doubt n seeing the good in everyone but urself. U deserve more.
  • We all have something different that we can use to make a difference…..After needing 13 lt of blood for a surgery at the age of 13, a man named James Harrison pledged to donate blood once he turned 18. It was discovered that his blood contained a rare antigen vch cured Rhesus disease. He has donated blood a record 1000 times n saved 2 million lives.

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