Tuesday, December 17, 2019


During one of his travels, Kalidasa felt very thirsty and looked around for water. He saw a woman drawing water from a well. He went up to her and asked her for water. She agreed to give him water, but asked him, “Who are you? Introduce yourself.”

Now Kalidasa thought that an ordinary village woman was not worthy of knowing who Kalidasa was. So he said, “I am a traveller.” But his lady replied, “In this world there are only 2 travellers – the Sun and the Moon. Both Rise and Set every day and keep travelling perpetually.”
Then Kalidasa said, “Alright then, I am a guest.” The lady promptly replied, “In this world there are only 2 guests – Youth and Wealth … both are temporary and hence can only be called as guests.”

Intrigued Kalidasa said, “I am a Tolerant person (sahansheel vyakti).” Now the lady replied, “In this world only 2 truly know the meaning of Tolerance – Bhoomi (Earth) and Tree. How much ever you stamp the earth or throw stones at the tree (for the fruits), both continue to nurture us.”

Now Kalidasa was completely perplexed. He said, “Fine. I am a stubborn person (hatavaadi).” The lady smiled and said, “There are only 2 truly stubborn personalities – our nails and our hair. We keep cutting them non-stop, but they continue to grow.”

Kalidasa had been patient so far, but now in anger he said, “I am a fool”. Now the lady gave a wide smile and said, “There are only 2 kinds of fools in this world – a King who rules without having any capability or knowledge & a Minister who is a sycophant to such a King and lavishes praises on such a useless king.”

Kalidasa realised that he had been outsmarted. He fell at the feet of the lady and when he touched her feet and then got up, whom did he see? Mata Saraswati – the Goddess of Learning and Wisdom. She said, “Kalidasa, you are wise. But only if you know yourself do you become a Manushya (human being). A person without any awareness of self has not reached the pinnacle of being a Human.

Note: The Guru who recounted this story in His Pravachan said, “Children should become a Manushya & know themselves. More than teaching them how to earn more money and become rich, parents should teach them to become aware of themselves and become better Human beings.”

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Every man should act like this - SB 4.8.34

  1. When he meets a person more qualified than himself, he should be very pleased;
  2. When he meets someone less qualified than himself, he should be compassionate toward him; 
  3. When he meets someone equal to himself, he should make friendship with him. In this way one is never affected by the threefold miseries of this material world.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

3 questions to be asked for effective goal setting

  1. are ur goals too vague n are they not specified enuf?
  2. are ur goals too grand to be achievable?
  3. are u surrounded by right ppl & are u influenced by the right ppl?

Monday, December 2, 2019

Immature Vs Mature Thinking

Immature thinking
Mature thinking
  1. I deserve
  2. I am entitled
  3. Pay my bills
  4. Take care of me
  5. Do not offend me
  6. It’s really all about me
  1. I must earn
  2. It’s about others
  3. Challenge my views
  4. I will buy my own stuff
  5. Nobody owes me anything
  6. I am responsible for my success

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Wisdom Nuggets 92

  • Energy is contagious, be careful who's you catch
  • Dance like no-one is watching πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ•΄πŸΎπŸ•ΊπŸ½
  • A good friend knows all your stories, a best friend has lived them with you!
  • Leave the ego otherwise everyone will leave you.
  • Don't just count years, make the years count πŸ“†

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Wisdom Nuggets 91

  • Sometimes we are envious and jealous of lifestyles that don't even exist.
  • It's not what you look at, it's what you see
  • Canceling plans to read is ok. Skipping a party for the gym is ok. Staying home to cook is ok. Lets encourage it n respect self improvement. Your elevation may require your isolation or change in association
  • A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you.
  • It's hard to be friends with someone who wants your life -Oprah Winfrey. Try this today

Saturday, September 28, 2019

*The Leaking Bucket*

1. You're a very religious person following divine path but you don't lower your gaze when you see a member of the opposite gender. (A leaking bucket)

2. You wake up early morning trying to do your Pooja / Path but your mind is elsewhere and before you know it, you're done with your prayers (A leaking bucket)

3. You're very kind to outsiders/people in general and speak with them gently but with your own family you're always harsh/rude. (A leaking bucket)

4. You honour and treat your guests well but when they leave, you gossip about them and talk about their flaws. (A leaking bucket)

5. You try to read as much religious books, listen to Satsang /Keertan, participate in social services/ Sewa but you swear,  insult, curse daily. (A leaking bucket)

6. You help others but you're doing it to gain something in return from them and not doing those acts of kindness selflessly. (A leaking bucket)

7. You frequently advice/preach others on religious matters but practice none yourself. 
(A leaking bucket)

8. You slander other devout persons out of hatred/spite when your views do not meet one another. (A leaking bucket)

9. You look down on others and feel more superior than them, judging their level of knowledge about religion based on external appearances (A leaking bucket) 

_We struggle to fill our Jeevans (the bucket) with Kamaayi of religious knowledge (the water), hoping it will retain inside but it is leaked by the many flaws (the holes) that we commit daily._

An excellent reminder for all, to try and patch these holes up so we may progress further on this beautiful path of life.

Focus on Needs rather than Luxuries

In last 10 years 10 major reasons for degradation of financial situation of a family
1. Everyone in a family owns smart phone
2. Vacations under social pressure
3. Buying a car as status symbol
4. Avoiding homemade food and unnecessarily eating hotel food on weekends
5. Brand conscious for saloons, parlours and cloths
6. Trying to make birthday and aniversary special by spending more money rather than time together
7. Grand wedding and family functions
8. Commercialisations of Schools, tutions and eduction
9. Spending what you haven’t yet earned.. loan and credit card
10. Spoiled lifestyle forcibly increases medical expenses.

*Income is not growing at the rate at which expenses is growing... results in more distress and less peace.*

Minimalistic is fantastic and in real sense futuristic.

What we need is:-
*Keep  focus on Needs rather than Luxuries*

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

3 skills

All relationship problems can be solved if every person would master all of these 3 skills
  •     The ability to effectively communicate how they feel and think  abt the present moment
  •     The ability to listen deeply to what the other person is saying about their needs n their conflicts
  •     Everyone has to realize that nobody owes them anything other than accurate and honest information.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Wisdom Nuggets 90

  • "Knowledge comes from learning. Wisdom comes from living."
  • I am firm believer that u don’t meet anyone by accident.
  • Sometimes v out grow ppl who r not growing….When people say "you've changed"
  • If you've never failed, you've never tried anything new
  • Cry as hard as u want to. But always make sure : when u stop crying, u vll never cry for the same reason again...Never let an old flame burn you twice πŸ”₯

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Wisdom Nuggets 89

  • Mark Bustos works fulltime at a boutique salon, where prices start at $150. On sunday, his only day off, mark goes out onto the streets of NY city and gives free haircuts to homeless….Do something for nothing
  • U r never going to be 100% ready n it’s never going to be just the right time, but that’s the point. It means that every moment is also the right moment. If you want it, u just have to do it….Anything can start now πŸ”₯
  • Some ppl just act like  they r trying to help u… dont be some ppl
  • I think one of my favorite feelings is laughing vth someone n realizing half way thru how much u enjoy them n their existence.
  • Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great. Everything significant requires some sacrifice.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

I wish i knew earlier

  • Everyone u love is going to die
  • We give our lives meaning, if u feel like life is meaningless, that’s ur fault.
  • The perfect partner doesn’t exist. Concentrate on finding  someone  who has a lot of qualities u like n the same values n build a fantastic relationship.
  • Life is a game. Find the games u want to play, learn the rules, n find a way to be successful at the games u selected.
  • Everything ends. Youth, love, life, all end, and that’s what makes them valuable.
  • Be romantic about the little things
  • Be a realist about the big things. Life is not a movie, u need to have a plan, have an artist’s ambition but an engineer's mindset.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Wisdom Nuggets 88

  • Learn more, see more….All great leaders are readers πŸ“š
  • We experience great things when we surround ourselves with greatness…..the day that a little dog in mexico walked in the middle of a parade for the pope thinking it was for him
  • Never let an old flame burn u twice… Your best teacher is your last mistake
  • We are defined by the stories we tell ourselves πŸ“š
  • You can't fix yourself by breaking someone else….. Sometimes, hurricanes come thru our lives in the forms of ppl or as lessons. It sucks, v get hit hard n lose ourselves in the path of destruction. But no matter how bad u have been destroyed, just know that u can overcome. No matter how much of u has been broken, just know that u can always put urself together to be a champion again.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Wisdom Nuggets 87

  • Smiling makes you and others happier πŸ˜€.. SMILE .. No don’t scroll. Stop scrolling n ACTUALLY SMILE. Think of any happy moment in ur life n actually smile. Do it. It might just brighten up ur day.
  • I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer." Jim Carey
  • We wear so many masks we forget who we really are.
  • Stress is a choice . so is peace. ..May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears
  • Malala - 5 yrs ago, i was shot in an attempt to stop me from speaking out for girls education. Today, i attend my first lectures at Oxford….. Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world - Mandela

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The inevitable of success

  • U vll feel pain
  • U vll cry b4 u get it
  • U vll lose ur frds
  • Ur family vll discourage u
  • Ppl vll hate u for no reason
  • U vll almost talk urself out of it 100’s of times
  • U vll doubt urself thousands of times
  • U vll think u r going crazy
  • U vll develop weird habits
  • U vll lose money
  • It vll all be worth it

Friday, February 22, 2019

Wisdom Nuggets 86

  • We rise by lifting others
  • Become the right person before you search for one πŸ‘©πŸΌ‍πŸ’»….the right person vll come along n u won’t need to do anything to keep them interested for the simple fact that u vll be enuf
  • Jim Carrey - Nature is so beautiful. If u want to discover the secrets of the universe n see what no eyes has ever seen, go isolate urself into the wild for a long time n free urself from society’s mold….There's no wifi in the woods, but you'll find a better connection 🏞
  • Ppl want to hear songs vth the words they r afraid to say … When you're happy you enjoy the music, but when you're sad you understand the lyrics.
  • Success to me is "Following your inner voice despite the noise of others' expectations."

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Wisdom Nuggets 85

  • Cheating is a personal decision. Some ppl vll never cheat no matter how bad things are; others vll always cheat no matter how gud they have it
  • Life always finds a way…. You are life and you will too 🌱
  • Sometimes, u just need a break, in a beautiful place, alone, to figure everything out….If we don't learn to be alone, we will always feel lonely
  • If you're not willing to change, don't expect your life to either
  • I think of life as a good book. The further you get into it, the more it begins to make sense. –Harold Kushner πŸ“š

Friday, February 1, 2019

3 things

  • Spend 2 mins reciting everything u r grateful for, everyday.
  • Do 1 thing today to make someone smile.
  • Be great.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Wisdom Nuggets 84

  • A monk is simply a traveler. Except the journey is inwards.
  • You can only take the world as far as you've visited internally 🏞
  • Ease is a greater threat to progress  than hardship
  • Without commitment u never start n most importantly vth out consistency u never finish.
  • Fall down 7 times get up 8

Monday, January 28, 2019

Wisdom Nuggets 83

  • I've never seen a powerful person with an easy past πŸ’ͺ
  • Read books by ppl u disagree vth. Listen to others who think differently from u. Watch programming u normally would not watch. expand ur mind n views of the world. As right as u think u r about ur own beliefs n experiences, others feel the same way abt their own. U vll learn more than u ever imagined if u see the world thru beliefs rather than right n wrong.
  • "Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment." Oprah
  • Diff b/w love n like: if u like a flower u just pluck it, if u love it u water it daily.
  • If you strive to do good in the world you'll get to where you want, just not in the way you imagined it. My process is to trust that the universe's plan for me is better than the one I have for myself. The universe is not happening "to" us but "for" us and when we realize that we don't let speed bumps become roadblocks but checkpoints for growth.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Be vth someone who (does these things )

  • Respects u , even when u r not around
  • Puts down their phone n wants to know how ur day was.
  • Loves u, even when u r not the easiest to love.
  • Is honest n loyal, it’s a rare trait to find.
  • U r comfortable being weird vth
  • Adores u for not just what u luk like, but who u r inside.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Wisdom Nuggets 82

  • Warning: reflections in this mirror may be distorted by socially constructed ideas of beauty….Love yourself first. It is important to be positive because real beauty comes from the inside out
  • When it rains look for the rainbows 🌈 When its dark look for the stars 🌟 But don't stop looking up.
  • No one is going to stand up at ur funeral n say “she had a really expensive couch n gr8 shoes” don’t make life abt stuff.
  • "Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen."
  • Passion, Patience & Persistence….u r still young n u r not supposed to have ur whole life figured out yet. Don’t stress. Everything vll work out.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Wisdom Nuggets 81

  • I was always shy of being on stage, until I found something that was worth sharing.
  • U have to learn how to vibe alone. U can’t spend ur life being dependent on other sources of energy. U have the ability to be self-sufficient, so tap into urself once in awhile.
  • There's no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs.
  • We have a voice and it should be used wisely πŸ—£…. Sometimes we regret saying too much, other times we regret not speaking up. Knowing when to do either is real intelligence.
  • Ironic how many nights it takes to become an overnight success….It's the days and nights we don't see that make the ones we never forget

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

10 signs u r doing well in ur life

  • U hav a roof over ur head
  • U ate today
  • U hav a gud heart
  • U vsh gud fr others
  • U hav a clean water
  • Sone cares for u
  • U strive to be better
  • U hav clean clothes
  • U hav a dream
  • U r breathing
  • Be thankful for little things , for they r most imp.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Wisdom Nuggets 80

  • V change our future when v change our frds…. You become the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with ☕️
  • Happiness is not out there, it's in you πŸ”‘ We spend years searching for something we had access to on day 1
  • Stop trying to heal urself vth the same person that keeps causing u pain...You can't fix yourself with the person that broke you
  • Love can do so much more than power, money and control ❤️ Spread love
  • Can u imagine if someone sent u a list of all reasons why they love u.Do this for someone today πŸ“

Monday, January 14, 2019

Wisdom Nuggets 79

  • "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition." Steve Jobs
  • We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are 🀦🏼‍♂️
  • Don’t let loneliness lower ur standards…. If we don't learn how to be alone we will always feel lonely πŸ”‘
  • Show gratitude by serving others...It's not happy people who are thankful, it's thankful people who are happy
  • Oh my god, my little sister came home from school n demanded i take her to library so she could get books on sign language……. I asked why? She told me there was a new kid at school who was deaf n she wanted to befriend him. ….. Today , i stood beside her at their wedding watching her sign… “I Do”

Thursday, January 10, 2019

How to keep a relationship

  • communicate:talk abt things, the gud n bad,
  • build trusts. Be honest. Be faithful.
  • Be there for one another. Make time for one another.
  • Leave the past to the past. Vch include ex’s.
  • Know that having arguments are normal. Know that u won’t always be happy.
  • Don’t expect change. Appreciate the flaws. Appreciate each other.
  • Become best frds.
  • Lastly, love each other unconditionally.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Wisdom Nuggets 78

  • You just need to be better than who you were yesterday πŸƒπŸΌ‍♀️
  • Have something to keep on chasing
  • 6 months from now u can be in a completely different space, mentally, spiritually n financially. Keep working n believing in urself….You're always one decision away from a totally different lifeπŸ’ͺ
  • "No matter how rich, talented or educated you think you are, how you treat people says everything about you." It says "Stay Humble" -
  • May the last 3 months of ur 2018 be the plot twist u have been waiting for… I want this for you! Put in work now and 2019 will be awesome πŸ₯‡

Monday, January 7, 2019

Wisdom Nuggets 77

  • Dont complain about things you're not willing to change!
  • Be who u want to be. Don’t be afraid to own urself...Be better than you were yesterday
  • Sometimes home is not 4 walls, its just 2 eyes n a heartbeat….It's connection, its trust, it's people πŸ™
  • Don’t wait for the world to tell u , u r ready…. Live life on ur terms….Don't follow the noise, follow your inner voice
  • Be aware of lying…. Throughout the day notice if u tell small lies to protect urself n if u rationalize them away. What is it that stops u from telling the truth every single time? Become aware of ur own self-deception...The greatest lies we tell, are to ourselves

Thursday, January 3, 2019

7 rules of life

  • Make peace vth ur past; so it won’t disturb ur future
  • What other ppl think of u; is none of ur business
  • The only person in charge; of ur happiness is u
  • Don’t compare ur life to; others, comparison is the thief of the joy
  • Time heals almost everything; give it time
  • Stop thinking so much; it’s all right not to know all the answers
  • Smile; u don’t own all the problems in the world

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Wisdom Nuggets 76

  • Don't let anyone in the world tell you that you can't be who you are
  • If there is even a slight chance at getting something that vll make u happy, risk it. Life is too short, n happiness is too rare...You have to take the leap πŸƒπŸ½‍
  • What a life! "Hollywood is a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul." Marilyn Monroe
  • Everybody always asks if u have a career, if u r married, if u have children. Like if life was some kind of grocery list, but no one ever asks us if v r happy…..We confuse things and events with happiness
  • "Let's broadcast happiness and positivity"

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Wisdom Nuggets 75

  • You must fail a 100 times before you succeed once πŸ₯‡
  • To change everything, we need everyone 🌎 It's not about your title.
  • People really be going broke trying to impress other broke ppl
  • Funny , we spend money we don’t have , on things we don’t need to impress ppl we don’t like.
  • You can tell how rich you are by counting the number of things you have that money cannot buy