Friday, September 18, 2020

Wisdom Nuggets 99


  1. A statue in japan where ur age is not the measure of wisdom , but rather the awareness n knowledge u have.

  2. “Sometimes your circle decreases in size but increases in value”... to become better u hav to improve sth.. Could be ur circle, could be ur circumstances, could be urself. Shd be all 3.

  3. Weak People Revenge; Strong People Ignore; Wise People Forgive

  4. When u r in a bad mood n someone says “cheer up” like thanks susan never thought of that i am fine now ha ha ah i love life…..Never in the history of telling someone to calm down has anyone ever calmed down. Listen to everyone’s problems as if it’s the first time you’ve heard them. You can have the right intention but you need the right expression.

  5. You don’t have to do it to yourself. Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional…. Hav u ever read sth that killed u inside? Like a txt msg, someone's status, everything was going fine 

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Category: Glories of a mother
1. Everyone have different mothers but we have our universal mother, Srimati Radharani. A common phrase spread about mothers is _Matru Devo Bhava_. This phrase comes in the _Chandogya Upanishad_ which means mother is _“as good as God”_.
2. What makes a mother as good as God? We can’t call everyone as good as God. There are reasons to call a mother _“as good as God”_ are as follows:
a. The first quality gives birth to us.
b. The scriptures say a mother is rare and valuable.
c. She is a teacher or guide.
d. She loves and cares for us.
e. She sustains life by feeding us milk.
f. She forgives.
g. She sacrifices.
3. Anything to do with a source, there is a divine respect for that. Similarly, we have for our mothers. She carries us for 9 months and then gives birth to us.
4. Mother is extremely rare and valuable because once we lose her, we can’t get her back. The scriptures say mother, mother land (also a source), mother Ganga, the father and Lord Vishnu are the 5 rare gifts one can get in life. This was spoken by Lord Rama Himself to Bharatha.
5. There is nothing more nourishing than a mother’s care for us to grow in our lives. Hence, she is referred to as _Matru Devo Bhava_. She is our first teacher and the first thing we learn from her is that who is our father and whomever she shows as a father, we immediately accept.
6. Another quality is that she forgives, the scriptures also say that she is an embodiment of forgiveness. In the life of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu also we see that His mother forgives Him for taking _sannyas_. So these are qualities that a mother has and the scriptures glorify and celebrate the position of a mother.
7. The scriptures also mention 7 types of mothers: birth giving mother, wife of the spiritual master, wife of a _brahmana_, wife of a _ksatriya_, nurse, cow and mother earth. So we must not only respect our mother but all these 7 types of mother.
8. It is described that a mother while giving birth go through an almost death like experience. Where do all the qualities of the mother come from? In the Bhagavad-Gita, the Supreme Lord Krishna says that He is the source of everything.
9. Everything that is a source, we worship them. Like we worship the mother, we worship the river, the father and so on. Here, Lord Krishna mentions that He is the original source of everyone and everything. The scriptures like _Brahma-Samhita_ also confirm this.
10. We refer to Durga Mata also as mother. She is referred to as the shadow of the Supreme Lord. She always desires to fulfill the desires of the Supreme Lord.
11. The mother’s milk is highly respected and held in very high esteem. We generally take it for granted, but a lot of research has been done on the mother’s milk. Even the research says, mother’s milk is like food. A child cannot take any food at that point and cannot consume medicines too when sick. It serves as a complete diet for the child and also as a medicine.
12. The chemical composition of milk also differs depending on whether the child is a boy or a girl. Was it a conscious choice by the mother to produce such milk? It is produced by nature. So hence, we should not have attachment only to the mother, we should also have attachment to the source of such precious milk.
13. In the Bhagavad-Gita 10th chapter, the Lord says that He is the Original Father and Original Mother also and hence He knows exactly what we require and he kept a mother ready for us with that milk.
14. Our thinking is very narrow that we think of only the mother who is the immediate cause of our body. But we have our original mother, Lord Krishna who when we didn’t know what food we need and how to ask for the food, He had kept a mother with a milk that was sufficient to nourish us. The entire nature runs under Lord Krishna’s control and he ensures that it runs in such a way that we have the milk ready at an appropriate time.
15. The Lord is sitting in everybody’s heart giving us guidance. When the mother is unreachable for us, she has passed away for example, it is the Lord in our heart guiding us at all time.
16. The Lord is so merciful that despite all our sins and mistakes, the Supreme Lord supplies us with all our necessities like sun, air, water and so on without charging us even a bit for it.
17. There are many videos where people lament that they couldn’t repay their mothers when they were around. But we are born in a land that trains us on how to repay our mothers. The perfect mother is one who teaches you the absolute right in your life. The same scriptures also mention that the mother can become an enemy if she doesn’t teach this.
18. The perfect gift that one can give to our mothers is to lock all her problems and miseries of her life. We can elevate her from this cycle of birth, death, old age and disease and this knowledge to elevate her will remain with her life after life.
19. Greatest example of this is Dhruva Maharaj. Being a perfect mother, she advises him to go to Lord Krishna when he was upset about being rejected by his father. He then follows Narada Muni and performed _tapasya_ and the Lord was extremely pleased and blessed him to be a pure devotee. When he was been taken by the Vishnu Dutas to _Vaikunta_, he said he can’t go without his mother and then the Lord shows that she is being taken in a separate _Vimana_.
20. So in summary one must serve both the birth giving mother and also the Supreme Mother and when we do this in perfection, we live up to the saying _Matru Devo Bhava_.

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Monday, April 27, 2020

Wisdom Nuggets 98

  • Until u accidentally came across sth u didn’t want to read… or u found out sth u were better off not knowing. It’s almost as if it was posted just to purposely hurt u. But u constantly read it over n over again to torture urself.
  • There are libraries around the world where u can check out humans as a living book n listen to their stories.
  • I am actually extremely grateful that some things didn’t work out the way once i wanted them to……( i did , thank u Krishnayya love u) Gratitude makes sense of the past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for the future.
  • When you see someone who doesn’t have a smile, give them yours 😁 it’s free! Credit 📷
  • Don’t make someone a priority, when all you are is an option… u don’t need to waste ur time on someone who only wants u around when it fits their needs.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Wisdom Nuggests 97

  • It’s only by saying NO that you can focus on the things that are truly important - Steve Jobs
  • Being someone’s first love is great, but being someone’s last love is beyond perfect.
  • Meryl L Streep.. This was me on my way home from an audition for king kong where i was told i was too ugly for the part. This was a pivotal moment for me. This one rogue opinion could derail my dreams of becoming an actress or force me to pull myself up by the bootstraps and believe in myself. I took a deep breath and said i am sorry u think i am too ugly for your film but u r just one opinion in a sea of thousands n i am off to find a kinder tide.” --- today i have 18 academy awards…… “The master has failed more times than the beginner had even tried.”
  • It’s OK to outgrow people who are not growing 🏃🏼‍♀️.. I didn’t change, i just grew up. I learned what best for me, if i have to lose people to get where i need to be, then i am okay with that.
  • The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you’ve come 🙏

Dalailama Says

  • We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.
  • Take into account that great love n great achievements involve risk
  • When u lose, don’t lose the lesson
  • Follow the 3R’s : respect for self, respect for others, responsibility for all your actions
  • Remember that not getting what u want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.
  • Learn the rules so u know how to break them properly
  • Don’t let a little dispute injure a great friendship
  • When u realize u have made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
  • Spend some time alone everyday
  • Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.
  • Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer

Monday, March 30, 2020

Wisdom Nuggests 96

  • We think we r made of numbers. Percentages on tests, pounds on a scale, likes on a photo, price tags on clothes, but we are not. V r made of love n happiness n the way we laugh. We are made of good memories n late nights n past curfews. V have more substance than numbers… Not everything that can be counted counts and not everything that counts can be counted -Einstein
  • In order to be in healthy relationship u hav to talk abt the things that bother u , even if u agree to disagree
  • A true relationship is two imperfect people refusing to give up on each other.
  • In life, learn to delete what you don't need just like you do on your 📱
  • Be the person you needed when you were young

Wisdom Nuggests 95

  • If she only wants u , don’t worry abt who wants her….Applies both ways and to friendships! Don't create drama that doesn't exist.
  • Be strong enough to let go, wise enough to wait for what you deserve
  • Love isn't blind, it simples enables you to see things others fail to see 💛
  • Use social media purposefully n no tech times in ur home. So have times in ur day.
  • Overthinking: The art of creating problems that weren't even there.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


  • Changing the world's starts with you 🌎 nothing can stop you in that endeavor
    • When i was a young man , i wanted to change the world
    • I found it was difficult to change the world, so i tried to change my nation.
    • When i found i could not change the nation, i began to focus on my town.
    • I could not change the town n as an older man, i tried to change my family.
    • Now, as an old man, i realize the only thing i can change is myself.
    • suddenly , i realize that if long ago i had changed myself, i could have made an impact on my family.
    • My family n i could have made an impact on our town.
    • Their impact could have change the nation n i could indeed have changed the world.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Wisdom Nuggests 94

  • U vll pass that class. U vll get that degree. U vll start that dream job. U vll marry ur bff. Relax, good things take time…
  • Never give up. Born vth out arms n legs nick vujicic is a painter, swimmer, skydiver n motivational speaker...You can have results or excuses, not both
  • There comes a day when u realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world, coz u realize there is so much more to the book than the page u were stuck on…. Rewrite your story daily 📚
  • Don't always try to fit in, find your squad!
  • If someone wants to leave, why force them to stay

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Wisdom Nuggests 93

  • Some people come to teach, some come to learn; some come to love and some come to leave.
  • Don't become occupied with what's happening around you, pay more attention to what's happening within you
  • Don't lose faith in love because of a person
  • "Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth" - Ali
  • Where are you exploring next?Traveling leaves you speechless... then turns you into a storyteller ✈️